How to check in/out

After making a reservation and arriving to the location, please check-in by following the instructions below.

Check-in (receiving of keys)

There is the key boxes at the entrance. Choose the key box with your room number, set the passcodes attached in your booking confirmation email,  open the box, and take the room key chain out.



Use the entrance key (a large key with a red circle) to open the front door. The guest rooms are on the 2nd floor. Use the other key to open your room. 

  • Check-in time is from 3pm to 9pm. There is no curfew after check-in. If you go out or check in the room late at night,  please do not disturb other customers and neighbors.
  • The entrance door is auto-locked so you can’t enter from the outside without the keys. Please make sure to take the keys with you when you go out and be careful not to loser them.

When checking out, please follow the procedure below to return the key.

Check out (Returning the keys )

  1. Return the key to the key box you used at check-in and close the lid.
  2. Set random numbers yourself and checkout will be completed.